Guidelines for acknowledging our support
If you have been awarded funding from The Clare Milne Trust you may wish to promote or publicly acknowledge the grant, please read this information carefully.
Acknowledging Support
You may wish to acknowledge the grant from The Clare Milne Trust on donor boards, wall panels or in your annual report. We are happy for you to do this, but please keep us informed. Our preference is to be listed as The Clare Milne Trust.
You may use The Clare Milne Trust logo when promoting projects that we are directly supporting, subject to prior written approval from The Clare Milne Trust. The logo should be used strictly in accordance with our brand guidelines.

Social media
If you wish to promote the grant from The Clare Milne Trust on social media or on your website and you would like to provide some background information about The Clare Milne Trust, you may use the approved text below. Anything that directly relates to The Clare Milne Trust other than the approved text must be agreed in writing with the Trust.
We ask that acknowledgement of our support on your website should include a link to our website –
Named Areas
Occasionally we are asked if a project or area is named after The Clare Milne Trust or Clare Milne. It is important that you should not use our name for named areas or aspects of a project without our explicit prior agreement. Where a named area has been agreed by our trustees, we will ask to formally approve the draft signage and usage.

Approved Clare Milne Trust text
General information about The Clare Milne Trust:
The Clare Milne Trust provides grant funding to charities who support people living with disabilities in Devon and Cornwall. Since 1999 The Clare Milne Trust has awarded over £12million in order to transform the lives of people with disabilities.
Additional information about Clare Milne:
Clare was much loved by family and friends and was full of life despite the challenges of living with cerebral palsy. Clare was always keen to try new things and she loved to be sociable.
Clare Milne was the granddaughter of A.A Milne, the author and creator of Winnie the Pooh. In 1998 Clare received a significant sum of money following the sale of the copyright royalties from her grandfather’s books. A home was purchased for Clare and it was decided that the rest of the money should be placed in a charity to help other people with disabilities.
The Clare Milne Trust was formally set up in 1999 and the first grants were awarded in 2002.
Unfortunately, Clare died in 2012 but her legacy continues.
In the words of Clare’s late mother, Lesley Milne, “My dream is to know that my girl will be remembered for something that brings happiness where it is most needed.”
It is the aim of The Clare Milne Trust to support and improve the lives of people living with disabilities in Devon and Cornwall. The current Trustees strive to honour Lesley’s wishes and to keep Clare’s memory alive.